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Level: Medical Student   |  Speciality/Category:  All



    List of options:

    0.9 % Saline solution
    5% Dextrose solution
    Blood (Red cells)
    Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
    Hartmann’s solution / Ringer Lactate
    Prothrombin complex

    What is the most appropriate next step resuscitation fluid or blood product which can be used in each of the following patients?

    You may choose each option once, more than once or not at all.

    A) A patient with a Haemoglobin of 6 after a massive upper GI bleed from oesophageal varices, who is currently only receiving IV saline


    B) A patient who is on Warfarin for anticoagulation for AF with an INR of 8 who has a massive PR bleed


    C) A patient with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis


    D) A nurse who suffers a needle stick injury from a Hepatitis B positive patient


    E) The fluid of choice for a patient on a sliding scale as treatment for Diabetic Ketoacidosis where the BM is now 10mmol/L


    F) A patient who has received multiple blood transfusions during resuscitation after major trauma requires fresh frozen plasma and.....

Question By Mr. Kasun Wanigasooriya MBCHB, MRCS.     

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